Why Belle Is My Favorite Disney Princess ?

Who doesn't like Disney stories? everyone will love it, 

 Old adage said : It is very easy to giving a gifts to girls, jus buy them one piece of chocolate with a ribbon and tell about Disney Princess, does it work ? if they didnt work, it means you are not the lucky one. But its work for me haha so lucky the man who have me then heheh...

Im the big fans of Emma Watson, beside she is the one of the best artist with good perfomance she has interest real life too..and in my opinion she is very inspiration.
I knew her since im 12 y.o when she previously pelayed as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter movies series, i have no idea she would grow up to become exactly like her character. Not only is it true that she is feminest icon, but she is also an activist, actress, dancer, and soon-to-be-singer if Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast turns out to be a musical. Unlike most child stars, she has never struggled with any kind of scandal, and she even earned her way into college after making enough money to buy her way into several colleges. She act normal as a women with a myriad of achievements. ahhh,.. i have a myriad word if i tell about her,perhaps if i have daughter oneday i want give her name Emma hahhaa... 

By the way in this case, i want to tell you why im very adore belle in disney character rather then other princess. 
1. Most Relatable Princess 

There is a reason why Belle has endured and become the favorite of so many Disney fans, and it is because of all the princesses we have come to know and love, she was by far the most relatable. She doesnt have any magic in her story. She just have knowledge from the book, with brave souls, and absoulty her kindness.

2. She love to reads a book 

Yes totally she love to reads some book, not like the other princess . Belle want to have adventure to her life with science and knowledge, She doesnt has any real enemy, she only has an enemy within herself which is lack of knowledge about the world,and yes its this is our nowdays enemy. Our real nowdays enemy is ignorance and closed thought. And one again i really like her quotes btw : 
" I want adventure in the greatt wide somewhere. I want it more than i can tell and for once it might be grand to have someone understand. I want so much more than  they have got planned"

3. She is open minded 

Raving inventor for a father? Typical. Talking teacups? No biggie. Man transformed into a giant wilderbeest? Must be Tuesday again. Belle had that same open-mindedness that the generation who grew up with her also had, and seeing her acceptance of what wouldn't quite be considered "normal" in society only further instilled that sense in us.

4. She found her love with process 

 Belle falling in love with the beast with his behavior, if belle is typical girl who fallig in love with appreance maybe she will falling in love with gaston, and gaston have a good appreance but he is narcistic, dumb, and ancient i think..but the beast event he is not good one from his appreance, but he has a good manner and very clever and knowledgeable. yes clever man is always interesting for me too :)

Falling in love in the first sight maybe its beautiful part of life, but does it still work when we doesnt look him like the first time ? 
hmm, in my opinion i prefer to falling in love with someone with process with they behaviour ofcourse will last longer than falling in love in the first sight.

And more of all belle is independent girl. so this is it my fav disney princess. And tell me then whos ur fav. disney princess ?



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